What Is the Scientific Name for Blue Crab

crab scientific name, king crab scientific name, japanese spider crab scientific name

The crab's abdomen is very small. Crab live in fresh water and on land. It is found inside all the oceans of the world. Crabs are particularly inhabited in tropical areas. Crabs are usually covered with a thick exoskeleton, which is mainly composed of highly mineralized chitin.

crab scientific name list

ghost crab scientific name Ocypodinae
red king crab scientific name Paralithodes camtschaticus
chinese mitten crab scientific name Eriocheir sinensis
coconut crab scientific name Birgus latro
green crab scientific name Carcinus maenas
hermit crab scientific name Paguroidea
fiddler crab scientific name Uca
horseshoe crab scientific name Limulidae
crab scientific name Brachyura
japanese spider crab scientific name Macrocheira kaempferi

There are 850 species of crab that live in the form of saltwater, freshwater crabs, terrestrial crabs. The crab is said to have been present since the Jurassic period. And many of its fossils have also been found. However, modern crabs are difficult to define.

crab scientific name

Males and females can be distinguished separately within a cloth. Of these, the claws of the male are quite large and these claws are to attract a friend. While the claws of the female are quite short, apart from this there is a difference of the abdomen. In most male crabs, it is narrow and triangular ventral. While female crabs have a rounded abdomen inside.

Crabs can use pheromones to attract a female. However the crabs that live in the water use pheromones and those that live on the ground attract a female crab using cues.

Females may store sperm for a considerable period of time before fertilizing their eggs. Eggs are released on the female's abdomen, under the tail flap, secured with a sticky material. In this location, they are preserved during embryonic development. Females carrying eggs are called "berried" because eggs are similar to round berries.

When the small larvae develop, they release the female crab under water. These small larvae can swim and take advantage of the currents of the water. When the crab becomes a little bigger it starts to return to the ground. goes.

crab scientific name

Also, the crabs that live at the site travel a long distance to release their larvae underwater. And in many cases a very long exodus has been observed.

If a crab is a juvenile, it has to eat manifold until it becomes an adult. They are covered with a hard shell. Over time, the old crab shell is soft and the second shell comes down. During the process the old shell has to exit. This is a very difficult process. 4

If he gets stuck in the middle, he dies there. This process takes several hours inside. After freeing itself from it, the crab is extremely soft and hides until its new shell hardens. While the new shell is still soft.

  • The smallest crabs are less than 1 inch (2.4 cm) wide, and the largest crabs can grow up to 13 feet (4 m) long.
  • ‌‌‌Kadas are believed to have existed since the Jurassic period and are believed to have existed 200 million years ago.
  • Pea Crab crab is the smallest species of crabs in the world, with a length of 0.27 and 0.47 inches.
  • Most crabs have flat nodules that enable them to squeeze into very narrow crevices.
  • The shell of a crab is a type of skeleton that is very hard and is very useful to protect it.
  • A strong watercourse can slam the crab out of the water. If they are present inside the water.
  • The largest crab in the world is the giant Japanese spider crab, measuring 13 feet.
  • They have a separate class of their own named Merostomata. They have probably changed since the age of dinosaurs, and their closest living relatives are spiders.
  • ‌‌‌ Crabs are mainly divided into two types. Brachiuron crabs have very small stomachs. They use four pairs of legs. It includes blue crab, spider crab and ghost crab etc.
  • False crabs have a long stomach and inside it are hermit crab, king crab and squat lobster crab.
  • Karaks are also known as sea spiders because sea spiders also have legs like crabs.
  • ‌‌‌Kings have claws on their front legs.
  • Krebs have large compound eyes made up of hundreds of small lenses.
  • The claws near the crab can use them as a scissor to cut off other things.
  • The small boxer crab carries a needle-like prick anemone inside its paws, which he uses for his protection.
  • The shell of the crab is made of carapace that covers the body of the crab.
  • The Sally Lightfoot (aka Red Rock) crab is the world's most colorful crab. It is red, orange, yellow and white.
  • If we talk about crab, they are found inside almost every sea. They live under snow and a crab can climb on a tree and can also live on land.
  • The coconut crab is a giant hermit crab that lives on islands in the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It weighs 10 pounds.
  • A female crab lays millions of eggs at a time and can take them under her body to hatch.
  • Male and female can be identified by looking at the abdomen inside the crab. Female crabs have shorter claws than male crabs. The ventral crab is narrow.
  • Crab can communicate by shaking their claws.
  • Earlier it is believed that crabs do not have pain, but now it is learned that crabs also have pain. And this should be kept in mind while treating them.
  • True crabs can walk in any direction, but when they are in a hurry, they move in the side.
  • Amter crabs are the smallest. It looks completely like a pea. Which may put you in surprise.
  • The Japanese Blue Crab or Horse Crab is the most used inside the world.
  • Humans eat about 1.5 million tonnes of crabs every year. Which is a very large number.
  • Crab meat is very high in vitamin B12. Just 2-3 ounces of crab meat can easily supply a daily B12 to an adult.
  • There are eyes inside the cloth, which are set on the screen. Netrapal rotates all around, due to which it has the ability to see everywhere. The stalk can easily see under water, rock, coral, sand, or mud. .
  • ‌‌‌ Cakes are omnivores. They also easily eat pieces of dead plants and animals, algae, insects, detritus, or other crustaceans.
  • Sea otters like octopus hunt prey crabs.
  • A crab can live on land and water. He stays on the ground as long as he keeps his gills moist.
  • ‌‌‌ Crab melts its shell, then a crack is formed, then the crab can come out of this shell.
  • Most crabs melt six or seven times during the first year of their lives, and then they only melt once or twice a year.
  • Crabs do not have a backbone. They are invertebrates.
  • They work together to protect their family and get food.
  • Let me tell you that there are no teeth inside the mouth of the crab but decorator crab has teeth in the stomach which grind after the food goes into the stomach.
  • Rangers in Christmas Island, Australia, have constructed a bridge across a busy road to allow nearly 50 million crabs to make their place at sea.

Dungeness crab

Dungeness crab (cancer magister) is a popular crab species that is brown-purple in color with a very hard shell. The crabs grow up to 20 cm. Their body is a good source of meat. It weighs up to 1.8 kg. This crab is very tasty to eat. This is why it is very popular. Cooked crab are light pink to red in color. Because the shells of dung crabs are particularly hard.

Cloths have a hard shell. They have 5 pairs of legs. crab uses its small appendages to pass food particles into its mouth. A mature crab molts its shell within May and August. Auscultation occurs when the female melts. Nears are attracted to potential mates by pheromones present in the urine of females. The larvae take up to 2 years to mature after harvesting.

The crab is found in places like Santa Barbara, California, from Alaska's Aleutian Islands to the Point Concept. ‌‌‌ These crab are an integral part of cuisine in California, British Columbia and the Pacific Northwest and are traditionally included in dishes such as Crab Louis or Sioppino.

Approximately one-fourth of the weight of the crab is meat. These crabs are poured alive into boiling salted water to cook and wait for 15 minutes. And then it is cleaned by adding cold water.

Florida Stone Crab

The Florida Stone Crab (Menippe menneria) is a type of sea crab known for its delicious meat. It has large pincers on the front of its body. These brownish-red claws with black tips are the same color as its rigid outer cover. The carpet of this crab is up to 17 cm wide.

Instead of catching the whole crab, its claw is pulled and then released back into the ocean. Only after 18 months this crab develops a new claw.

Florida Stone Crab has meat inside its paws which is quite tasty. When this claw is cooked, it starts to look light red.

‌‌‌ This crab crab is found in the northwest from the Atlantic, including Belize to Connecticut, Texas, the Gulf of Mexico, Cuba, the Bahamas, and the east coast of the United States. Stone crab carpets are 5 to 6.5 inches long. is. It is covered with brown spots and has 4 large claws. Males inside these crabs are much larger than females.

Florida prefers to feed stone crabs on oysters and other small molluscs, polychet worms and other crustaceans. They will also occasionally eat sea grass and carrots. And crocodiles, sea turtles, cobia and octopus can consume these crabs as food.

Within these crabs, the female reaches sexual maturity after the age of two, and in the spring she produces more than 2 million eggs. When the female is exposed, the male mates. After intercourse, the male will help protect the female from several hours to several days. The female will lay eggs four to six times each season.

The Florida stone crab may also lose its paw to protect it from predators. And if the paw loses, the blood stops quickly. And if the claw breaks from the wrong place, the crab may also die from bleeding.

When the crab has to remove its shell, it chooses a safe place. Especially inside the night because without shell it will not be able to fight the predators. A hormone called x-organ is released which prevents the crab shell from descending for some time.

Peekytoe Crab

Peekytoe crab is a brown species that lives inside the cold waters of the Atlantic. It is known for its brown color and hard shell. Peekytoe crab is a medium-sized crab. Its carpet can grow up to 13 cm. This crab species occurs on the east coast of North America, from Iceland to South Carolina.

Japanese Spider Crab

The Japanese Spider Crab (Macrochera Kempferi) is a creepy looking crab that is larger than all types of crabs. It has a large body that can be up to 16 "(40 cm) wide. The length of the foot can reach a length of 18 feet (5.5 m).

Its weight can reach 19 kg. Even though it is so large, it is not an invasive species. Japanese spider crab meat is very tasty. It is sweeter than brown colored crabs. However it may take some time to get its meat out. The three main larvae go through stages, together with a prognostic stage that grow to their increased size.

Japanese spider crabs are mostly found on the southern coasts of the Japanese island of Honsho, ranging from Tokyo Bay to Kagoshima Prefecture. Outside populations have been found in Iwate Prefecture and closed Su-ao in Taiwan.

‌‌‌ This crab likes to live inside the deep sea. They prefer to live in holes within 300 meters of water depth.

Peekytoe Crab

The female carries the eggs until the larvae emerge from them after fertilization. The female lays up to 1.5 million eggs at a time. Larvae go through four stages to become adults. Inside it is only a few minutes of the first phase.

Macrocheira Kempferi undergoes two zero stages and one megalopa state before reaching adulthood. This condition is greatly affected by temperature. Repairing temperatures up to 5 ° C-18 ° C are called. Megalopa phase lasts from 25 to 45 days.

This crab is omnivorous which can consume plants and dead animals. Apart from this, it can be easily consumed by small insects.

Horsehair crab

In Japanese cuisine, the horsehair crab (Aerimacrus isenbeckii) is very popular. Its shell is orange and light colored with rough bump. It has pointed hair on its body. For this reason, it is also called hairy crab. This crab is boiled in salt water to cook. It has a good amount of meat inside its body. And it tastes very sweet.

‌‌‌ It lives mainly in the Northwest Pacific, around Okhotsk and the Hokkaido coast of the western Bering Sea. This species is usually found on shallow water to a depth of 350 m on a sandy bentic environment.

This species is not overweight. It weighs up to 1 kg. It eats two to three times a day. In the western Bering Sea, males typically live in areas with depths of about 3.4 ° C and 66 meters, while females have a temperature of 2.4 ° C and Can be seen at a depth of about 64 meters. Within these species embryonic development takes place in 9 stages. The growth rate of the embryo is mainly controlled by the temperature of the water.

Southern european crab

Freshwater crab is the southern European crab (Potamon fluviatile). This crab is quite small and is now an invasive species. They are boiled under water and eaten.

Potamon fluviat is a freshwater crab found in southern Europe around rivers and lakes. This crab typically reaches 50 mm during a 10–12 year life span. Comparison of female to male inside these crabs I am younger. And they have five pairs of legs. Apart from this there are also big claws, which act to protect them.

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The life span of a fluviate is usually 10–12 years. Moulting does not occur in winter. The females also keep their babies on the belly until they become competent themselves. ‌‌‌ This crab eats frogs, algae and vegetation. But many creatures also hunt it. In them foxes, lambs and birds of prey. However, most of its prey is done by humans who catch between 3,000 and 10,000 crabs in a single season.

crab scientific name and list


Source: https://www.scientificname.in/crab-scientific-name-list-and-information/

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